November 23
"We must become powerful, and as soon as we have power, we will naturally take back everything we have lost.” -Johannes Friedrich "Hans" von Seeckt
“...German army commander General von Seeckt bans the NSDAP and KPD...” November 23
Romanian leader Ion Antonescu [Attribution: Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 Germany]
“...Romania signs the Tripartite Pact, officially allying itself with Germany, Italy, and Japan . . . . While Romania would recapture the territory lost to the Soviet Union when the Germans invaded Russia, it would also have to endure the Germans' raping its resources as part of the Nazi war effort. Besides taking control of Romania's oil wells and installations, Hitler would help himself to Romania's food crops, causing a food shortage for native Romanians...” November 23
Today's Featured Site: The Tripartite Pact
“... Japanese planes bomb Port Darwin...” November 23
“...The People's Republic of China is given China's permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council...” November 23
Today Is: November 23
Cynthia Southern Auschwitz Daily (@cmsouthern) 11/22/1942: Approximately 1,500 Jewish men, women and children arrive from the Zichenau Ghetto in an RSHA transport. After the selection, 300 men and 132 women are admitted to the camp. The remaining 1,068 are killed in the gas chambers. Image of the Ziechenau Ghetto.
Olga Czarnecka (@OlgaCzarnecka) How WW1 Produced the Holocaust
Jeff Williams (@jeffwilliams2x2) Tainted Gurlitt collection should be sold with profits going to Jewish organizations.
Today's Tweet: Χάρων (@ainarsbr11) Holodomor. RIP victims of communist ideology still allowed in some countries
Today's Comic: Seth Meyers: “Today police in Israel seized dozens of weapons that had been disguised as Christmas decorations. Israeli police became suspicious when they saw CHRISTMAS decorations.”
Today's Insult: “The acting director of the Secret Service, Joseph Clancy, said they may make the fence around the White House taller because of the recent security failures. When asked if he had any other ideas, he said, ‘Uh, make the sidewalk lower?’ "
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Note: Images may or may not accurately represent the item adjacent to them. Also, please note that there is much, much, MUCH more detail available-and many, many, MANY more items as well-every day on the linked What Happened Today page. For the full story behind the events of this day, click the November 23 link. Really, November 23. Seriously, the November 23 link is the one to click. That's right, this one: November 23 Disclaimer: The selected Quotes, Jokes and Cartoons may or may not represent the views of the compiler of these daily posts. If they give you something to think about, they will have accomplished their task. Levi Bookin, Copy Editor, in particular bears no responsibility for any of them. He does, however, do a truly admirable job on the linked Daily pages, which everyone should peruse on a daily basis. It is WELL worth the small effort required. The Trick is to Click-> November 23
Yad Vashem (@yadvashem)  The Duniłowicze Ghetto was liquidated 21-23 November 1942
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Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights, Flanders, Belgium
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November 23
From Der Fuehrer, by Conrad Heiden: The new commandant of the Reichswehr in Bavaria, von Lossow, was one of those higher generals who realized what the captains and majors, in their lust for action and recognition, did not and could not realize: that the Reichswehr needed no more putsches in Bavaria. It had most of what it required; and the republic could not forever deny its further needs. As for heavy armaments and planes, sternly forbidden by the peace treaty, in the first place they could not be obtained by putsches, and in the second place, they were unnecessary for the moment.
General Hans von Seeckt, who commanded the little army of the republic, developed the theory that the war of the future could no longer be carried on with mass armies, since two giant armies of half or badly trained military bunglers would only slaughter each other without profit. He taught that the small, well-trained, highly mobile, superbly armed professional army would cut the numerically superior, ponderous mass armies to ribbons in a lightning attack; and that in defensive operations it would paralyze the numerically superior foe by an aggressive defense, by constant thrusts at the flanks and rear. This ideal army of the future had been forced on the Germans by their unsuspecting foes in Versailles. Von Lossow and his like had to induce the Reichswehr to accept a policy of silent, inconspicuous organization. The force remained numerically small and offered little opportunity for advancement. The captains and majors were doomed to years of waiting. This was the problem, this was the conflict, this was the dynamite which threatened Germany's inner security: the rebellion of the captains and majors against the generals, the class struggle of the officers under the intellectual leadership of the unknown man from the Austrian lodging-house.
With unshaken confidence, Hitler assured his young followers: 'When the day comes for us to march, no soldier and no policeman will shoot at us. For that day prepare yourselves.' It was to dispel this illusion that the minister had sent for Herr Hitler. He told him he was mistaken: the police certainly would fire on him if he broke the law. Hitler replied that he would give the police and other organs of state power no cause to shoot: his intention was to smash Marxism, and this would enormously strengthen the authority of the state. What did he mean by the smashing of Marxism ? the minister asked. Now he was threatened by a long speech with no clear answer. The minister interrupted Hitler and said: 'If you continue your propaganda in its present form, it will inevitably lead to a violent explosion some day, whatever your intentions. You can't just go on talking for years, some day you will have to act.'
Hitler jumped up from his chair, beat his breast with his right hand, and cried: 'Herr Minister, I give you my word of honor, never as long as I live will I make a putsch!' He repeated: 'My word of honor, I will never make a putsch!'
The minister replied: 'All respect to your word of honor, but if you go on making such speeches as you have been making, the stream will one day burst loose of its own accord, and you will be faced with the choice of sinking or swimming with it. And you will swim with it.'
Despite its apparent insignificance, the scene is historically memorable. It was Hitler's first pledge of peace. His word of honor. There would be no putsch!
The epoch of unknown soldiers was dawning. Mussolini had just shown how you can make yourself dictator with the help of a few thousand ruffians. Hitler passionately admired the 'great man in the south'; the man who had risen from the trenches 'in dirty boots' and attained the highest power. In the whole of central Europe the old concepts of domination or revolution, upper or lower class, lost their historical meaning through the upsurge of new forces, represented by the unknown, hitherto insignificant, yet menacing faces — 'a scourge, making a mockery of all ethical and honorable political activity . . . rabble released from prison for the purpose . . . in close fraternization and intermarriage with the petty officers' groups . . . with the state shutting an eye to murder, arson, and robbery' . . . .
Excerpts from "Hitler", by Konrad Heiden - The Nizkor Project
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Featured Sites:
Austria: The Other Germany
Adolf Hitler: The First Super-Villian
Third Reich History: What Happened Today?
Countdown to Infamy: Timeline to Pearl Harbor
Biographical Timeline: of the Infamous Adolf Hitler
Countdown To WW2: August 22 - September 1, 1939
The Nuremberg Nazis: Detailed, Documented Biographies
Wunderwaffen: Hitler's Deception and the History of Rocketry
Main Sites:

Adolf Hitler: The Volkswagen
Adolf Hitler: The Fuehrer's Mercedes
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf Examined
In the Shadow of Frederick the Great
Hitler's Battleship: Sink The Bismarck!
Non-Fiction Comics: Military Periodicals
History of Olympic Boycotts: From Berlin to Beijing
Hogan's Jews: 5 Cast Members Were Jews; Their Stories

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